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Christ Embassy Cambridge is blessed with several departmental activities in which Church members can identify themselves with and hence run with the vision of the ministry and propel the gospel to every nation of the world. Being a departmental member of Christ Embassy Cambridge simply means you must have undergone the Foundation School of the Ministry (Believers Love World Inc.) which stands as the only criteria in belonging to a department in Christ Embassy Cambridge. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God (Romans 8:14)

Departments in Christ Embassy Cambridge

Bookshop -The bookshop ensures that ministry materials are up to date and made available to members of the ministry. Faith comes as you hear the word of God hence as a department, we are committed to making available our ministry books, video tapes, audio tapes and CDs for the spiritual growth and edification of the saints and for the salvation of men.

Children's Church - The Children's church is responsible for training children. This gives an excellent opportunity for children to be taught the word of God at a very tender age. Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Pro.22:6).

Choir - Choir is responsible for leading praise and worship in musical melodies. It is also responsible for creating an atmosphere for miracles. "I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high" (Psalm 7:17).

Decoration department - This department is wholly responsible for    beautifying the place of worship in Christ embassy Cambridge in order to generate a conducive environment and atmosphere for worship.

First Timers' Ministry - This department is responsible for welcoming and rendering proper introduction for first timers in the ministry. We concentrate on follow up and visitation to ensure that the first timer is encouraged in the Word of God. Also, we concentrate on foundation school to ensure brethren have a solid foundation for a successful and victorious Christian life.

Technical department: The technical department is responsible for the projection and amplification of every electrical appliance used during church services. The technical team comprises of the audio visual and data arm of the ministry supporting the pastorate in the delivery of the message using modern multimedia technology.

Ushering department: The ushering department is responsible for ushering members of the congregation into designated areas assigned for them. The department is responsible for maintaining an atmosphere of reverence and order before, during and after the service.